About Jeanna


Β Hey there, I'm Jeanna, pronounced like "Gina," and I'm here to take you on a whirlwind journey through my life's amazing adventures. 😊 At 44, I'm not just your average mom – I'm the proud creator of 'Healthy Habits With Jeanna.'

Noble is my amazing 12-year-old son. We're a dynamic duo, homeschooling our way through life and bonding on the Sabbath and attending church on Sundays. We're tight-knit, and that's something I'm eternally grateful for. πŸ™Œ But our little family isn't just about us humans; we're the privileged caretakers of a lively menagerie of animals that bring endless joy into our lives. 🐾🐢🦜🐹🐍🦎

Before I dive into my passion for health and healing, let me tell you about my all-time favorite, Jesus. He's the guiding light in my life, leading me on a transformative journey since April 23, 2018. His divine word pierced my heart, setting me on a thrilling path that I wouldn't trade for anything. πŸ™

You see, I've had my share of health battles. I used to idolize perfect health, seeking it as my ultimate goal. I believed that detoxing was the key to a cleaner, better me. It worked to some extent, but something was missing. I soon realized that the detox I needed was of a spiritual nature, a renewal that only Jesus could provide. He became my number one priority, and I wouldn't keep that secret to myself. ✨

Over the years, I've dealt with various health issues, from stomach aches to hormonal imbalances that led to two surgeries. But 2021 was a game-changer. It challenged me like never before, bringing me closer to God and myself. This newfound connection allowed me to naturally combat a cancer diagnosis. I'm now two-thirds of the way to being cancer-free, and I'm determined to break free from its grip. πŸ’ͺ

Fast forward to August 2023, and my cancer diagnosis has evolved. It's a bit bigger, but my personal transformation has been a blessing in disguise. I accept the situation, grow from it, and maintain my unwavering faith. 🌟

I firmly believe that our health struggles often stem from toxic sources – toxins in our food, water, thoughts, and emotions, as well as in the air we breathe. The odds of getting a cancer diagnosis keep rising due to this toxic overload. ☒️

I'm not just a believer in healthy living; I'm a certified expert. I hold certifications in 'Raw Food Nutrition,' 'Raw Food Chef,' and I'm a licensed massage therapist and healthcare practitioner with over 20 years of experience. Additionally, my Mind Body Wellness Diploma equips me to be a Life Coach and much more. I'm also a certified Nutrition Coach through NASM. πŸ’Ό

My journey has led me to 'Healthy Habits With Jeanna,' where I get to share what's worked for me in my healing process. I'm here to spread hope and faith, showing that there are blessings in the battle, and joy and peace can be found within it. Acceptance is the key. 🌻

I've also got a sister company, 'Noble Beauty Skincare,' where I focus on the outside – your skin, the body's biggest organ. As a licensed esthetician in New York and Arizona, I'm all about the science, nurturing, and the incredible results I see in this field. πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ

So, thanks for joining me on this incredible journey. May you receive abundant blessings from our Father above. 🌈

Jeanna Chebat πŸ’–